
Admin interface

Daiquiri uses the Django Admin interfaca as an interface for admins to intereact with a particular Daiquiri site. Please refer to the Django documentation for a detailed guide. Here we summarize the most important options:

Site configuration

Daiquiri uses Django’s sites framework. It is therefore necesary to configure the Domain name and the Display name of your Daiquiri installation. This can be done in the admin interface under SITE.

Users and Groups

The users and groups of your Daiquiri site can be managed under AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION. You can create and update users and set their password directly, but most of the time this will be done by the users themselves using the account menu.

The user created in the installation process can access all features of Daiquiri. In order to allow other users to access the management or the admin interface, they need to have the required permissions assigned to them. This can be done in two ways: through groups or using the superuser flag.

Social accounts

Using the django-allauth, social authentication using the OAuth2 protocol can be used with Daiquiri. For this 'allauth.socialaccount' and, e.g. for GitHub, 'allauth.socialaccount.providers.github' need to be added to INSTALLED_APPS in In addition, your app needs to be registered with the provider. The callback url needed for the registration is

<site url>/account/<provider>/login/callback/

Once the credentials are obtained, you need to enter them in the admin interface under SOCIAL ACCOUNTS. Click on Add social application and:

  1. Select the corresponding provider
  2. Enter a Name of your choice
  3. Enter the Client id (or App ID) and the Secret key (or Client secret, Client key, App Secret)
  4. Add your site to the chosen sites.
  5. Click save.

Command line tools

In addition the web interface, Daiquiri provides several commands to inter, which can be

Setup groups

The permission system of Daiquiri utilizes a set of groups to manage access to the management interfaces and the WordPress integration. These groups can be created using:

python setup_groups

The groups creates are:



In order to setup the metadata for the TAP_SCHEMA run the following command (in your virtual environment):

python setup_tap_metadata

After this, /metadata/management/ should show a schema entry for the tap_schema.


The metadata is automatically synced between the metadata and the the TAP_SCHEMA. In order to rebuild the TAP_SCHEMA from scratch, you can use:

python rebuild_tap_schema

The global datalink table is partly used for metadata management. DOI and related identifier entries for public schemas and tables with a doi field are automatically generated. Additionally, all declared extra datalink tables (see DATALINK_TABLES setting variable) will be gathered and ingested into the global datalink table. The global datalink table is in the TAP_SCHEMA. It is publically available and can be queried via TAP. The extra datalink table should stay PRIVATE.

To resync the global datalink table with the metadata, and new extra datalink tables, you can use:

python rebuild_datalink_table

Rebuild OAI Schema

Similar to the TAP_SCHEMA, the records for the OAI-PMH interface are located in a seperate schema, whithin the scientific database. In order to create the oai_schema from scratch, use:

python rebuild_oai_schema

Be aware that the OAI schema requires an up-to-date datalink table. So the datalink app should be activated, the global datalink table should exists: setup_tap_schema, and up-to-date: rebuild_datalink_table.

Dump Fixtures

# extract examples
python dumpdata daiquiri_query.example > examples.json

# extract files
python dumpdata > directories.json

# extract functions
python dumpdata daiquiri_metadata.function > functions.json

# extract groups
python dumpdata > groups.json

# extract users
python dumpdata auth.user daiquiri_auth.profile account.emailaddress socialaccount > users.json

# extract announcement messages
python dumpdata daiquiri_contact.annoucementmessage > announcement_messages.json

Load Fixtures

# load examples
python loaddata examples.json

# load files
python loaddata directories.json

# load functions
python loaddata functions.json

# load groups
python loaddata groups.json

# load users
python loaddata users.json

# load announcement messages
python loaddata announcement_messages.json

Setup the scientific database

For helping the administrator in properly creating the scientific database, you can use:

python sqlcreate

Note: on the contrary to its name sqlcreate do not create anything, it just prints the SQL statement to properly create the science tables.

For the extra datalink tables, you can use:

python sqlcreate --datalink=<extra-datalink-tablename>

The extra datalink tables have four purposes:

  1. improving the metadata with non-standard entries
  2. creating relation between objects and groups
  3. simplifying the discovery and access of files
  4. declaring cross-table information for given object
Improving the metadata

For the tables and schemas with a DOI, the command rebuild_datalink_table creates three datalink entries for each table/schema relating their names to their documentation, related identifier and the DOI url. However, not only tables and schema may have DOI, also objects or groups of objects may also have DOIs. In this case, it is possible to use the extra datalink tables to create the relation between objects and their DOIs.

The extra datalink tables should be named like: <release_schema>.<object_category>_doi. The table should be filled as follow:

  1. the ID should contain the unique string identifying the object in the database: <object_id>
  2. the access_url is for the <doi_url>
  3. the semantics is always #doi in this datalink table.

After executing the commands rebuild_datalink_table and rebuild_oai_schema, the objects will have entries in both, the global datalink table and the oai schema. The first ones can be queried via TAP_SCHEMA.datalink and the second via the OAI-PMH api.

The following table lists additional datalink entries that can be used for every objects to enrich the metadata for OAI-PMH

semantic OAI-PMH entry
#this <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="IsDescribedBy">access_url</relatedIdentifier>
#preview <alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="DOI Landing Page">access_url</alternateIdentifier>
#preview-image <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="IsSupplementedBy">access_url</relatedIdentifier>
#detached-header <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="IsSupplementedBy">access_url</relatedIdentifier>
#documentation <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="IsDocumentedBy">access_url</relatedIdentifier>
#progenitor <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="IsDerivedFrom">access_url</relatedIdentifier>
#auxiliary <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="URL" relationType="References">access_url</relatedIdentifier>

The examples for the use of the semantics are | semantic | Used for… | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | #this | fits, hdf5, csv files, and resources holding the data | | #preview | viewers and doi-landing pages | | #preview-image | png, jpeg holding the represantation of the data | | #detached-header | fits header, e.g., from previous releases | | #documentation | related documentation pages |

More info on semantics:

In Daiquiri, it is possible to create additional custom semantics by using the settings variable DATALINK_CUSTOM_SEMANTICS. For instance, the daiquiri specific custom sematic #doi is defined as

    "#doi": "The access_url points to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the object.",
Creating relation between object and groups

Several objects may be part of a group of objects, i.e.: fields, observations, survey, etc. In order to create a discoverable link, it is possible to use the extra datalink tables.

The extra datalink table should names like: <release_schema>.<group_category>_datalink. The table should be filled as follows:

1.ID: <group_name>/<group_id> 2.access_url: url pointing to the linked ressource 3.semantics: depends on the linked ressource

This way after rebuild_datalink_table and rebuild_oai_schema the groups will have entries in both the global datalink table and the oai schema.

Note that a OAI Set with the group name is automatically created in the OAI schema, if the ID is build like <group_name>/<group_id>.

Simplifying file access

Often, the objects are provided not only in a from of a database record but also as a downloadable file (.fits, .png, etc). This is the main use-case for the datalink protocol. The files can be linked with the corresponding database object using a separate datalink table.

The extra datalink table should be named like: <release_schema>.<object_categoty>_files. The table should be filled as follow:

  1. the ID field should be filled with <object_id>
  2. the access_url should be filled with the downloadable url of the file
  3. the semantics should be filled with the relevant value, i.e.:
  4. the content_type should be filled with the relevant value: i.e.:
  5. the content_size should be filled with the size of the file in bytes.

This way after rebuild_datalink_table and the object will have entries linking to the download links of related files in the global datalink table, queriable either via TAP_SCHEMA.datalink or the datalink protocol, e.g. /datalink/links?ID=<objects_id>.

Declaring cross-tables information for given objects

Usually it may be relevant to split the information on object over sevral tables. Especially if the object somehow differ from nature and do not hold information in all tables. Typically light sources in the sky may be either stellar objects, galaxies, etc. These objects share informations in a main table, but specific information are spearded over various annex tables.

In this case it is usefull to provide in the main table flags to declare the existance of specific information in an annex table. Typically stellar_flag, galaxy_flag… these flags can be queried via TAP and convinienty helps the user to find his/her way through the database.

However, this still requires a knowledge about the naming and the existance of these flags. This is not sufficient for blind discovery. In order to allow user to blindly discover further specific information in annex tables, the extra datalink tables can be used:

The extra datalink table should named like: <release_schema>.<object_category>_annex The table should be filled as follow:

  1. the ID should be filled with the unique string identifying the object in the database: <object _id>
  2. the access_url should be filled with the <doi_url> of the annex table, or its datalink url
  3. the semantics field should be filled with #auxilliary

This way after rebuild_datalink_table the object will have blindly discoverable auxilliary information, that can be queried via TAP. The name of the table where the information can be found is present in the access_url and the value to query is the ID value.

Notes: for a large number of objects, this method must not be employed because the datalink table may become much to large and dynamic datalink feature (not yet implemented) should be used instead.

Metadata trigerring features



Declares a column to be a reference. In the results tap of the query, this column will be rendered as a link toward the custom resolver ( The value of the column will be passed to the custom resolver to allow value specific rendering.


Declares a column as MAIN. This metadata identify the given column as a major contribution to the information of the table, this will be used by various daiquiri services to present information: conesearch and default viewer.


The VO Conesearch service accepts to select either the entire tables dataset, a reduced sub-set, or just identifer and position information. The reduced sub-set is defined via the metadata meta.main.

Default viewer

In the default viewer, in case a table is provided as additional information in the datalink entries of a given object, a query on the columns marked as meta.main will be submitted.

This declares a column to be the datalink ID of the table. In combination with meta.ref the column link will directly to the datalink viewer.


This declares a column to be the path to a FILE, it will be rendered as an URL and redirects to a download.


This declares a column to be the path to a PREVIEW, it will be rendered as an URL and redirects to a front-view of the image with a download button.

datatype and arraysize

supported types:

  • char
  • boolean
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • spoint (ADQL)

supported array types:

  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • boolean

array of known dimension

For array of known dimension the metadata should be:

datatype: <type>[]
arraysize: <size>

array of unknown dimension

For array of unknown dimension the metadata should be:

datatype: <type>[]
arraysize: None (null)

Notes on Postgres array storage

On postgres side array should be stored as ARRAY of type _<type>.